sábado, 13 de marzo de 2021


                                                                                    Video taken from:  The Nintendo Beast

I bet you are all used to seeing 3D augmented reality Pokémon everywhere through and from your mobile cam to your Nintendo Switch, but we were not that popular back then. It had been all black and white until Nintendo launched the market the Gameboy Color, but before that not all had been as bad as you think it was though we used to look like this:

Image taken from https://www.mic.com/articles/178526/pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow-for-iphone-forget-pokeland-bring-the-original-games-to-ios

Yet, Gameboy color hit the market in November 1999, there had been already really good Pokémon games you could play in Gameboy. In fact, the last Pokémon game released for Gameboy was “Pokémon Yellow.” It was released on September 12, 1998. However, three big names had hit the market long before that “Pokémon Red and blue,” 1998;  “Poket Monsters Blue,” October, 1996; and “Poket Monsters Red,” February 1996.

If you ask a kid these days about their favorite Pokémon game, they will tell you there is only one available for their Nintendo Switch, “Sword and Shield”. However, and as stated before, there had been plenty of games released throughout the years, not just for Nintendo switch but also for mobile phones, Nintendo 3DS, DS, and Gameboy Advanced, among others.

Even the successful app Pokémon GO has undergone way many changes in the last year than it had ever had in the previous years. In fact, at it’s very beginning and after it had made its great announce of bringing all Pokémon to life, it was seen as a big bummer by many users since the actions were excessively limited. Nowadays Pokémon go users can do more than simply catch pocket monsters, they can do hundreds of things no one had thought could have been done back in 2016.

Now WhaT?

Answer the following questions in the comments:

What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

Which is you favorite  Pokémon?  Why?

Once done, you can go back to the road to pokemon

75 comentarios:

  1. 1. I never watch or play Pokemon, but something that I know is the number of Pokemons, because in the first generation was only like 200 pokemon, but now, are like 1000! I investigate more about this and I discover that Nintendo do this because want more commodity with the new character. Other thing that change is the storie, because in the games this change in all the generations and have contradictions.

    2. My favorite Pokemon is Squirtle, because he have a design very cute that I really love. I search in the web about the powers and skills and I discover that he is a Pokemon that can protect and he can swim very fast for his shape. Other Pokemos that is very cute is Bulbasaur, he starred much games of all the generations and with Pikachu is one of the most recognized. About the powers, he make that the rival lose life.

    -Juan David Morales 8D Cód 14

    1. Hello, I don't like that they have put so many generations just for money and as for me my favorite pokemon is pikachu, charizard and charmander , and I had seen pokemon but I don’t like it

      Erick Ortiz

  2. Paula Romero 8D

    1.Pokemon was never very present for me but, I remember that before there were few pokemosnes, but now there are great varieties to satisfy the needs of others, and that is incredible.

    2.Jigglypuff, because, I really like his physical form and his powers since he has the ability to modulate his voice at will by changing the wavelength to sing a mysterious melody that causes numbness. Its lung capacity is incredible, even for a Pokémon. He is able to sing lullabies incessantly until his rival falls asleep. It can also look very cute and pink, but it can be very explosive.

    Thank you.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Nicolas Montenegro
    a) pokemon has improved a lot since last time adding new settings and other stuff that makes the game a lot better
    b) i think pokemon should be the companies logo because it changes the perspective of the company totally

  5. santiago moreno 8c
    a) I really do not remember the beginnings of pokemon, because when it came out for the first time, which was in 1998, it had not been born in those times, I only saw the new generation.
    b) For me my favorite pokemon is picachu, because it is very cute, it fights very well, and it is difficult to capture.

    1. En las dos respuestas estoy de acuerod con mi amigo ya que pokemos ha tenido una evolucion gigante mediante pasan los años cada vez es mas impresionante la fama y el prestigio que tiene y ademas pikachu es el mejor

    2. In the two answers I agree with my friend since pokemos has had a giant evolution through the years, the fame and prestige it has is more and more impressive and also Pikachu is the best
      Juan Villamizar

  6. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?

    I don't remember so well, but I remember this is when these toys or in this app are so small and pixelated and so so cute

    What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    Pikachu, I don't know him but I hear a lot about him, and he's so cute, and no more, I don't like pokemos

  7. Melissa Caro 8C
    a) Really don't remember, who are started this game and this is creator
    b) I don´t like this game, because don´t like this type of game

  8. 1. I saw how the 3 seasons of pokemon of 2016 and well I played pokemon go for 3 months and I was surprised because I saw too many pokemon that I never saw and I was surprised by the new pokemons
    2. my favorite pokemon is mew because it is one of the pokemon that have been searched for years in pokemon and they could never capture it and also because of its powers and its way of fighting and the ease with which it defeats its opponents
    Andrés Galindo 8c

  9. I think I am not in favor of any but due to what I have seen in the new generation, I stay with the old one since it had a unique magic and I remember that before I saw a lot of pokemon and I liked the plots of before and also played the versions old games and it was more special to play them than the modern versions.

  10. 1. A years ago y saw some parts of the diferents pokemon seasons and i knowed that then of the trancurred years the Pokemon creators still with ideas for the designs of the creatures, at the begin just was above two hundreds of pokemons, now the numbers are of thousands. Is a similar case on the video games, in my Life i played one of those games, but with diferents YouTube channels i see how can this evolved, also the quantity of pokemons, too i see the technologhy advanceds, better animations, more colors, new mechanics on the games and more.

    2. I saw the serie, so my opion is very variable, i choseed Pikachu, Lucario, and others, but now my favorite pokemon is charmander, is one of the most popular pokemons, (if no the most) is very beatufill, has and had participation in diferent seasons and movies how one of the principal chatacters, have so much products with he's face, and is very recognized, while Nintendo continue with the Pokemon franchis Charmander been an icon.

    Thanks :D

  11. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?
    Well, the truth I have never seen pokemon because I never call my attention so I could not say what I remember because I never saw it but the little that is old is that they were like pixelated and like stuffed animals

    What is your favorite Pokémon? Why

    well I would believe that my favorite as such would be picachu because it is like the main there according to what I hear

  12. Samuel León Malaver 8C
    A) I had never played a pokemon´s game until the last year, but even so, I don't have much experience with this franchise, however, I can said that with a simple investigation about the pokemon´s history everyone can see and understand that this franchise and his games has been evolving drastically over time, it's easy to see, his games has only been in black and white until the 2000s! over the years Nintendo and PoKemon has shown that with each new generation they improve a lot of things, they create new tools, new pokemons, start using new and better graphics, etc. I can only say that as the years go by, Pokemon keeps getting better.

    B) Maybe i'm not a pro player or a expert in pokemons, but in the short time that I had played this games i saw with my black eyes the most beautiful, cute and amazing pokemon of all the existence... Clefairy!
    and why is my favority pokemon? did you see it ?!, its cute, its beutiful, its peaceful and dangerous at the same time, its all the good things in the whole world... also, its pink and fat, is there a better combination for a pokemon? the answer its not.
    Thats why is my favorite pokemon :D

    Thanks. <3

  13. Answer the following questions in the comments:
    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?
    I had seen so many pokemons in my life, and with the information of the videos of Pokemon in the Genially presentation, I can say that I remember that the Pokemon of the first generation don´t have all the improvements as the last generation of Pokemon, because there had been a lot of changes in Pokemon structure,and something else that I want to say is about the amount of these Pokemons in each generation, as the video says the last generations have a lot of Pokemons more than the first generation or the initial generations.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?
    I think that all Pokemons are fabulous because of the creativity they had put in them, with the colors, the design, the skills of each one, but if I had to choose, I would say that my favorite Pokemon is Squirtle, I don´t have an specific reason, it was just the Pokemon that catch my attention more than others in the anime.
    Stefany Monje

    1. I agree whit both answers, butn i think the first generations and the old games is more fun, i have accepted this games from my childhood so i haven't a interested of the new games, for example Pokemon go_ virtual, i think is bored, or i like more the clasics

      Danna Hortua 8D

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. 1. What I remenbered from the firts generation in contrast to the new one is that there are more characters than had before and now the pokemon has superior than not had ever before skills, also to having new challenges or missions that had allow the player to obtain very important as objects.

    2.I had thought of the Squirtle pokemon because is a pokemon of water, it is also very fast in water and has a shell that serves as a shield, it also shoots jets of water through it is mouth had capable of putting out small flames.

    Isabela Aponte

    1. 1. What I remenbered from the firts generation in contrast to the new one is that there are more characters than had before and now the pokemon has superior than not had ever before skills, also to having new challenges or missions that had allow the player to obtain very important objects.

      2.I had thought of the Squirtle pokemon because is a pokemon of water, it is also very fast in water and has a shell that serves as a shield, it also shoots jets of water through it is mouth had capable of putting out small flames.

      Isabela Aponte

  16. 1.I don't remember much about the old generation of pokemon as I am not a big fan of it but I have heard that the first generation had been more boring as there were not many entertainment options but now that you see more of in the commercials you can see that these updates have improved everything and boosted the popularity of pokemon.

    2 I don't know much about pokemon but the one that catches my attention the most is charmander because I think he uses fire so it's interesting in that part also that he looks very cute and it looks like he is part of some of the main ones.

  17. 1. Personally I never played pokemon, sime had talked about this game but never caused me attention to play because I played more to run or play basketball among other sports, so I do not have a good opinion to give, but with what I read and heard in the video, in the first generation there were not so many pokemon and were all black and white, as it is today that there are many more pokemon and many more things to do, thanks to gameboy color abancaron much more.

    2. As I said before I didn't play pokemon so I don't have a favorite pokemon.

    Mariana Pinzón Chacón 8C

  18. Ana Sofia Zamora Hernández 8C

    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    From my perspective, I have never played Pokémon, but, with all this information, it is clear to me that in the first generation there were not as many Pokémon as there are now in the last generation, because over time the game has evolved and new Pokémon have been created.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    Pikachu is my favorite Pokémon, since its power is like electricity and when touching the opponent it leaves him paralyzed, it is also very cute and when its friendship level increases, it is more powerful.

    Thanks :)

  19. Paula Sofia Rodriguez Zorro 8B

    What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?
    Honestly, I don't know the game very well, about the first generation I suppose there were no revolutionized pokemons and now yes, I think that now the pokemons are better and have more things now.

    What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?
    My favorite pokemon is Eevee, it is a baby fox, I also really like its evolutions, it is my favorite because my brother used it almost always and it is also his favorite.

  20. Nicolas Zamora Masso 8B
    a) Well I was never a fan of pokemon, I only saw a few chapters when I was a kid, I remember there were 190 or so I think, and an entertaining story I guess, but now, they have evolved (the creators not the pokemon hahaha) and have created many more pokemon and modified the story in order to have more comfort and satisfaction to the public for the series or games.

    b) Of the few that I know maybe charizard, it may be small at first but as it grows or when it evolves it is a beast, well technically it is a dragon and I find fire interesting since this character (Pokémon) has it.

  21. 1. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?

    I do not know almost anything about this game, I did not know the first or the last generation, I only know the most important pokemon and now

    22. What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    The one I like the most is picachu because I met pokemos thanks to him because he is the most important

  22. What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    I remember that pokemon only had basic powers like fire, water, ect. also the graphics were not very good but they had a good start because they are still one of the biggest business of Nintendo

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    Greninja because he had a big revolution and I like his powers

    Alejandra Florez 8B

  23. 1.These last years I do not see or play pokemon but I do remember a lot of the first generations and that there were few pokémon but I search on the internet and I find that in these last generations there are many and I discover that many of the first generations are no longer the same before since they changed their appearance or no longer exist.

    2.my favorite pokemon are 4 with which I grew up and saw many chapters of one of the first generations are oshawott, tepig, snivy and picachu of which I remember having a collection of figures of mc donald of these characters

  24. 1. I had played the first generation and remember that is generation that commenced the line time of the history of pokemon in the anime and in the game this game of the first generation I contrast the history of the fundation of the team Rocket and your plans that not is presented iqual in the next generations.
    2. My favorite pokemon it´s Greninja becouse in the six generation I had choosen in my adventure in the game and this pokemon help me to win in all gims.

  25. 1. Even thought I haven't had played pokemon thanks to the reading and to the video I've learned a lot of things about this game before and now;
    At the beggining the game didn't have colors it was all black and white, then it was all green or all blue or all red, this new versions were principally sold in Japan and USA; Nowadays the game has colors and its a 3d version.
    2. My favorite Pokemon is Pikachu because it looks lovely and very sweet, it's also very powerfull.

  26. laura corredor 8b
    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?
    I don't know much about the pokemon game, however I think that many more types and combinations have been created
    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?
    I do not have a favorite pokemon but eevee is one of the pokemon that I have known the most, I find it very tender, its ability seems very interesting to me since it can be mutated and adapted to any place

  27. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  28. José Gómez
    1 I don remember veri well, but there are 151 pokemons of fire, water, plant psiquic, etc, the pixel grafics aoso the tipes of pokeballs, but now there are 890 pokemons, more tipes, more pokeballs etc.

    2 my favorite pokemon is garchomp, evolution of gible because the combat points and the attacks.

  29. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  30. What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    I remenber that the firt generation was more original or is that what some people say and i think that sometimes is true but is very dificult to say some times the pokemon have a form that is ver simple and some times they have form o a object or an animal. I can say something beacuse I'm not a huge fan.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    I have a lot of pokemons that i like but some of there are Gardevoir, Amaura and Luxray. I don't have a sppecific reason to like this pokemons. But i think that they are very nice.

  31. Juan Camilo Galvis Cifuentes
    I play the game of pokemon and I remember to the avatar is Ash and the player go of more parts of the planet in search to new pokemons and it a most trainer of pokemons, I liked the game and the progam of tv.

    My favorite pokemon is no, sorry my favorite pokemons are charmander because is beatiful, pikachu and new.

  32. Wendy Gómez 8B

    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    really, I don't know the game very well, I suppose that in the first generation their Pokémon were not very evolved and their quality was not the best either, I think that the Pokémon of now have evolved both in appearance and characteristics since they added new configurations to this game.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    My favorite Pokémon is Charmander, I really like its orange color and I find its tail with the tip covered in flames and its evolutions very cute and interesting

  33. Laura Rincón 8D
    1. I had never played pokemon before but after having investigated I realized that before there was a minimum part of characters but now I realize that there are too many characters, I suppose it is so that the player feels more comfortable and has different game options

    2.My favorite pokemon is Eevees since since I had never played pokemon I do not know the characters well but I can say that Eeveen is my favorite since I liked his way of being, his powers so to speak and his physical appearance


    1. Erik Pinzón 8D
      Hi, I had seen Pokémon but I never really cared for it and I feel that with too many characters added to it Pokémon has become worn out.

  34. Salome Campos 8B

    1. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?

    I do not remember the first generation of pokemon, since I had never played it, but according to the information in the video and the text, I can see that it has had a great growth and development, achieving globalization, with millions of players around the world and creating a big market.

    2.What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    My favorite pokemon is Pikachu because he is the only one I know, they also have a very cute appearance and voice, and he is cute that when he gets angry he is electrifying.

  35. Kler Monroy Salamanca 8b
    1) When the first editions of Pokemon were released in Japan it didn't have many actions and its graphics were very simple as was the purpose of the game, over the years Pokemon had more updates and improvements that made the game very fun.
    2) My favorites Pokemons are Charmander and Pikachu, Charmander is one of my favorites because I think he has always had a very cute and pretty appearance and because I like his name and Pikachu because it seems to me that over time his character has had more evolution in power and because he is cute.

  36. What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?
    I had not heard of Pokemon but with the video I learned about the first generation of Pokemon where it is very different from today as its color, this game has been in people's lives for years and there is a greater evolution every time.
    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?
    My favorite pokemon is Diancie because she is strong and she is also cute and I had heard that she creates diamonds out of nothing by compressing the floating carbon from the atmosphere in her hands and with these she attacks her opponents.

  37. Alejandra Calderon

    What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?

    Although I have never been a fan of Pokémon, I have been able to notice that from the first generation to the last there is a noticeable change in the game, such as the quality of the graphics and more species of pokemons.

    What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    Well I would say charisar, because it is attractive for the simple fact that it is a kind of dragon and because every evolution that it has is interesting and well, I think it is powerful.

  38. 1.
    I have never played pokemon,but i saw that the pokemon have evolved and have more functions, appearances and more, the movement of the pokemon was only one, also that many more have come out than they originally had

    I don't have favorite pokemon since I don't know them

  39. Anny Salinas 8°D

    1.I don't really watch or play this, so I don't have much to contribute, the only thing I think I could say and from what I know is that the number of characters that this has is impressive and how incredibly cute they are.

    2.I'm going to say pikachu, because as I mentioned before, I know very little about this, besides, who doesn't like pikachu? It is a pretty cute pokemon, in addition to having static electricity and when it comes into body contact with the rival, it sometimes paralyzes it. Is that really interesting? You could say, and like I said, it's very, very cute.

  40. Yaxiel Moreno Parra
    1. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?
    I remember that Pokémon was a really famous (and it is in this moment too) because was an excellent anime with an amazing animation, but now it is just different and I tihnk we don't understand so much the new generation if I'm sincerly

    2. What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?
    - Mudkip: It is that kind of Pokémon that are of water and it's like a replica of the animal "Axolotl" (in spanish: Ajolote) and the axolotl are one of my favorites animals :)

    Thank you for your attention :D

  41. Sarah Espitia

    1. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?

    I don't really know Pokémon well, I only know a little about what it is and how it is, I only remember that Pokémon had its characters not as advanced as now.

    2. What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    I think Pikachu is the favorite pokemon of most of the people who do not know much about the game and I am not the exception, this because in addition to being very cute, I like its powers with electricity and its way of fighting.

  42. What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?
    The first generation had been a hit until the decision of develop a lot of new creatures and new regions which had remained to nowadays with eight generations and new graphics that had drawn the atention of the public.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?
    I hadn´t had a favorite Pokemon until I watched the video and I would say Pikachu is my favorite Pokemon because it looks so cute and I love its design.

  43. 1. In the first generation were created as such the pokemons, and in the year 1999 came out the "Gameboy color" and the games were flat. In the last one generation every games were in 3D, from what i assume you can feel a better experience when playing.

    2. My favorite pokemon is piplup, because is good in defense and reducing the opponent's speed and its so cute, too is small and no weight a lot, whereby so it is easy for him to sneak out.

    Isabella Chacón - 8D - Cód 5

  44. 1.The truth is that this series never caught my attention so I would not know how to tell or describe this to you but according to what I have heard the game and the series have changed a bit from before until now because before the dolls were like pixelated and now they are more realistic

    Well, it's not that he's my favorite character, but according to what I see and hear on social networks, it is that picachu is like the most famous, so I would say that picachu

  45. Emily Guerrero 8B
    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?
    I don't play or see pokémon but I saw some design and I think it is creative and innovator but it is similar to the reals animals

    Which is your favorite Pokémon? Why?
    Because I don't see or play pokemon I don't know too many pokémons but a design I like a lot is of the Lycanroc Midday but I don't know a lot of it.

  46. 1.Well, the truth is that this series and game never caught my attention but many friends of mine did see it and see it the same way my parents saw it and what I know is that this series has changed a lot from having pixelated dolls to already having a quality to put the realistic dolls and in cities of the United States

    2.Well, it's not that he's my favorite character, but according to what I see and hear on social networks, it is that picachu is like the most famous, so I would say that picachu

  47. Cesar Miranda 8B
    1.I remember that before the pokemons had powers or basic attacks of fire, air, water etc. and also that his graphics were not very good
    2.I think that charizard since it is a very strong type of dragon and it is the evolution of charmander and also its type that is fire is also my favorite.

  48. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?

    A: A year ago I saw some parts of the last seasons of pokémon and I think the changes are incredible and the designs of the pokémon I do not like but I can understand that other people liked it, I also remember that in the first generation of Pokémon the number of this is very small compared to the last Is, a case similar to video games.

    What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    My favorite Pokémon are Gastly, especially because of the design, if it's because of the abilities, it would be Mew, but in general, I really like the types of shadows because of their color and design, I like them a lot.

  49. What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    I'm not a fan of pokemon but I love the first serie and also the game (pokemon go) because I love the idea of catching pokemons with pokeballs, I think that in the first generation of Pokemons, the pokemons were better, because nowdays the pokemons are like to different from the ones that were in the beginning, like pikachu, that in the first serie, that he doesn't have any other evolution but now he has like 2 evolutions or something like that, so for me I prefer the first genartion of pokemons because I love the old pokemons, the new ones are like different and not too original than the first ones, that's why the first ones had been so important in the story of pokemon.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    For me is pikachu, because he has been my favorite since the first time that I saw him, and Why?, because he is really cute, that's all ahhaha, or maybe because he is also like powerfull, but I don't really care about that, I just care about his cuteness ahah.

    Juan David Méndez 8C

  50. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one? It seems to me that it has evolved a lot, its graphics are of higher quality and they have created many more. What is your favorite Pokémon? Why? I do not know much about them, but there is one that catches my attention that is clefairy, it seems to me is very tender and cute and has a very particular shape and design

    1. What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one? It seems to me that it has evolved a lot, its graphics are of higher quality and they have created many more.

      What is your favorite Pokémon? Why? I do not know much about them, but there is one that catches my attention that is clefairy, it seems to me is very tender and cute and has a very particular shape and design

      cristina vega 8-b

  51. Isabella Corzo Vargas. 8°C
    - What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?
    Truth be told, I don't usually play these games, nor have I seen any series or movies, but from what I have been informed lately, I know that it is a game that has been evolving since its creation, that´s why all the characters, have been recognized throughout history, to the point of being very famous today. For example, the first generation of games introduced the original 151 species of Pokémon (in National Pokédex order, encompassing all Pokémon from Bulbasaur to Mew), as well as the basic game concepts of capturing, training, battling and trading Pokémon with both computer and human players, which shows a great start on the part of the company. And if we compare this, with the last generation we can evidence the great progress and innovation that this company has despite the current circumstances, since on February 26, 2021, Bright Diamond and Bright Pearl were announced, remakes of the fourth generation Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games developed by ILCA and whose release was scheduled for that same year. On the same day, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, a prequel to Diamond and Pearl, was announced. In addition, on May 26, 2021, it was announced that Diamond Shiny and Pearl Shiny would be released on November 19, 2021, and that Pokémon Legends: Arceus would be released on January 28, 2022; boxarts for the games were also revealed.

    - Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?
    Well, as I already mentioned, I don't usually play any of these games, nor have I watched any entertainment series, yet my favorite Pokémon is Pikachu, since his appearance, personality and attitude make him unique and especially original to the rest, also there had been very good opinions about Pikachu.


  52. Gabriela González Díaz 8°C

    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    I am not a fan of Pokémon, but from what I could see in the video, Pokémon has evolved over the years, in this way, this Pokémon topic was a video game, but also a card game, and they also have movies and series, so the evolution that Pokémon has had over time is very great and incredible, showing a great contrast when comparing the first edition of Pokemon with the most recent.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    I have never played a Pokémon game, and I have never seen a Pokémon movie or series, so I don't know anything about Pokémon, so I can't have a favorite Pokémon, because I don't know any Pokémon.

  53. 1. I don't know much about Pokémon but what I do know is that before there were only the traditional ones like pikachu among others until they decided to implement more and then in the program they went on expeditions and found more and so on until now with more Pokémons, movies, games and series.

    2.As I said I don't know much about this one but according to what I've heard I like bulbasor more because this one is about plants and jungle attacks and according to what I know this one doesn't have so many weaknesses.

  54. 1) Well, I can said that I rememnber, 'cause I don't born in this time, but I found information, about this, and I can say that the picture, the colors and the characters are better, there are more characters.
    2) Alolan Vulpix, is a type of a fox and a dog with a cat, and her power is the cold or snow, in theory her pob¡wer is relacinated with the winter, cold and snow.

  55. (Modification)

    1. I never watched or played Pokemon, but something that I know is the number of Pokemons, because in the first generation was only like 200 pokemon, but now, are like 1000! I investigated more about this and I discovered that Nintendo do this because want more commodity with the new character. Other thing that changed is the story, because in the games this changed in all the generations and have contradictions.

    2. My favorite Pokemon is Squirtle, because he have a design very cute that I really love. I searched in the web about the powers and skills and I discovered that he is a Pokemon that can protect and he can swim very fast for his shape. Other Pokemos that is very cute is Bulbasaur, he starred much games of all the generations and with Pikachu is one of the most recognized. About the powers, he make that the rival lose life.

  56. What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    I am not a fan and the truth is that I have never played it, but if I have seen the movies and series in addition to the subject, I really like the truth, in my family there are generations who like it a lot. Well this game is incredible and it is possible to show the advances it has had, both colors, shape and also the languages ​​in which it is available since each update little by little makes this game better and in some way or another international

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    Pikachu seems to me the most representative, more tender and at the same time more powerful in my opinion, I also think that it is a good leader at the same time as a companion and has marked the lives of many even those who have never seen Pokemon

  57. Hello mister and classmates.

    Answer the following questions in the comments:

    What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    - The aspect of the game was totally different, there were few characters and they were not so advanced or with so many powers.

    Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    - It is Pikachu, Eevee and Popplio because they both seem very cute and not as aggressive as others, also their qualities are very good and I like that about them.

    Thanks !

    Juliana Delgado Roa 8°B - 14.

  58. 1. the difference between the new game and the old games are:
    The picture had been black and white and now the new the picture is color.
    The 3d picture had been more realistic and had allowed more movement.
    The game consoles had changed because now there are more technological
    Pokémon go allow play more realistic, visiting places to catch Pokémon
    2. My favorite Pokémon Is Pickachu because he is cute and my favorite color is yellow, he had been my favorite Pokémon for years and he had been brave. He had participated in a movie and the name of the movie is “Detective Pikachu”. Also, he had been one of the most important characters in Pokémon because he has electric powers.

  59. Mariana Sánchez

    What do you remember about the first generation of Pokémon in contrast to the last one?
    I honestly do not like video games, so for this reason I did not have the possibility to play this game, but according to the reading the first pokemon games were black and white and I did not have certain forms of play as there are now, which I never have. the game was expected to evolve so much.

    What is your favorite Pokémon? Why?

    As I mentioned, I don't like playing video games, but the one I like is Pikachu, because I think it's very cute.

  60. 1. I have never played Pokémon, but when investigating the change you can see a great change. This can be demonstrated by the large amount of pokemon that have been added over time, the quality of animations has also a great change and of course their tools, in conclusion has had a great evolution.
    2. Glaceon, this Pokémon is perfect as an attacker with the ability to take a little damage thanks to its great defense statistics. Being a one-type Pokémon, all of its moves are Ice-type only and it looks very cute and well designed.

    Laura villamil 8D

  61. Ana Sofia Aponte 8D
    - What do you remember from the first generation of Pokémon in contrast with the last one?

    I have not played Pokemon but in reading they tell us that the game has improved its characters, they put colors in the game and they have made the game usable on other devices.

    - Which is you favorite Pokémon? Why?

    My favorite Pokemon is Pikachu because its characteristics are different from the others.

    Thank you

  62. 1 I do not know much about Pokémon, I never played it, but I know that it is very famous, many people like to play, the differences between generations is that as time went by they created more pokemons, only available for consoles and without color, today in day you can play from any mobile device, with another person, there is more variety of characters and color.

    2 I don’t have a favorite one because I don’t play or see Pokémon, the only one I know it’s pikachu, it’s the most famous Pokémon of this series / video games, he was in the first generation. His power is electric and he is the parent of the protagonist of the anime

  63. 1. The first generation include the first and second seasons of the anime and video games, with Pokemón red, blue, green and yellow for the game boy console. Pokemón, red and green, went market on February 27, 1996, taking the first step of the franchise, a turn-based battle mode that had been on the videogames market for a long time. In the first generation had 151 pokemons, 8 gym leaders, the Pokemon storage system of Bill, exchange and battles via link cable. In the last generation are increased the number of pokemons, in addition was acquired new ways of playing the videogames, you can already play on mobile devices, with different dynamics, in addition the resolution, graphics are increasingly better and you realized the work of the creators to improve this game and make it attractive to users.

    2. Honestly I don´t know any pokemon, but I could say that I like Pikachu, I think he´s so cute and the only one I know, I think he´s pretty and from what hear he´s very powerful, I don´t know if more than the others.

    Gabriela Tarazona 8c


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