sábado, 13 de marzo de 2021



Video taken from The Leaderboard

By David L.

Pokemon, today.

Pokémon has been there for us for more than 24 years, now. However, since its beginnings, it has -changed a lot. Nowadays, there are way more than the 151-Gen 1 original Pokémon as there are 8 monster generations. Likewise, In terms of merchandising, Pokémon is as important as Nintendo’s mascot and image, Mario Bros.

Even though Mario is the in pole position, Pokémon is not long behind since it is in second place, and it is not just because the never ending story that comes up with new monsters to captivate the huge audience that ranges from children to contemporary adults, or the  incredible movies that have been aired in the last few years, including, of course, the 2019 live action movie called Detective Pikachu, but it is also its great video games that are accessible to absolutely every one, that is, you can access the video games from any of the consoles available, Nintendo wii, wiiU, switch, and mobile apps; being the last one, one of the most important ones since 2016. Pokemon Go has blended both the essence of the “gotta cath’em all” brand slogan with a “be active and exercise” politics that push players to go out and walk to socialize with their surrounding  in order to catch all kinds of pocket monsters.

Since Covid-19 hit at the beginning of last year, it has motivated Niantic (company dedicated to bring Pokémon to smart phones) to go beyond our expectations in order to improve the mobile game to the point that it has changed that much in one year than it has in 4 years. Niantic has allowed people to play from home, raid from home and catch all kinds of Pokémon form home, making the game experience safer during this pandemic year.

It can be said that the road so far has not been the easiest, but it has made Nintendo and Niantic improve the game considerably in both game features and user experience. Let’s see what the future holds for Pokémon and Nintendo.

What now?

1. Answer the following questions as a comment below before you go back and continue the pokeroad.  

a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today

b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

85 comentarios:

  1. David Lozano
    A) I think pokemon today is overrated because blah blah blah blah...

    B) I Don't like pokemon and I hate Mario, but I love Kirby, So I think Kirby should be the representative of Nintendo because blah blah blah blah blah....

    1. DavidL:

      A) I disagree with you, since Pokemon is not overrated, in fact, they have earned their popularity since they have blah blah blah blah.

    2. B) I think Kirby is funny, but it will never be Nintendo's Mascot since it is too pink and it is blah blha blah blah blah.....

    3. José Gómez
      A)I like pokemon because creativity of the creator to implement 113 pokemons (confirmed) are so cool, and my favorite is melmetan

      B) I think the owner should be niantica because nintendo is more recognized for mario

    4. Paula Romero 8D
      A) I consider that Pokemon in general is a great success, over time, since it has motivated many fans to enjoy its successes, both children and adults.

      B) Both Mario and Pokemon have been successful that have been of great pleasure to people, Nintendo fans, but I consider that Mario would be a good representative of Nintendo (Mascot), since he was one of the first exios and I consider myself more important.

    5. Paula Romero 8D

      A) I consider that Pokemon in general is a great success, over time, since it has motivated many fans to enjoy its successes, both children and adults.

      B) Both Mario and Pokemon have been successful that have been of great pleasure to people, Nintendo fans, but I consider that Mario would be a good representative of Nintendo (Mascot), since he was one of the first exios and I consider myself more important.

      Thank You.

    6. Laura Vargas 8D

      1. Answer the following questions as a comment below before going back and continuing with the pokeroad.

      a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments

      Currently I consider that it is a game that has had quite a few good advances, what I like the most is that it has not stopped with the passage of time; It seems to me that it has made very important advances such as having more characters and having better things as they could say what are the powers that they attribute to this game being for all ages since all generations have advanced and also all of them they enjoy it together

      b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

      Well, I managed to see that Nintendo was the first and the second Picachu, I have managed to understand that the first is not the one that wins, since Picachu has reached a high level of popularity so to speak, generating better results in the rating of everything that It has happened through all this time.
      For this reason, I consider that the one who should be the representative is Picachu since he has a very high level of popularization and also have many more advances and help the other two

    7. Juan Villamizar
      A) I think pokemon today is overrated because Creo que pokemon hoy está sobrevalorado porque ya que pienso que ha mucha fggente le gusta eso y los respèto pero no le veo sentido

      B) I Don't like pokemon and I hate Mario, but I love Kirby, So I think Kirby should be the representative of Nintendo because This game is from a new generation, which is why the young people of now are called by the antecion

    8. juab diego guzman 8d

      I think today's Pokémon is worse than before, because they added too many Pokémon, only people remember the original version like: charmander

      I think Pikachu can really represent something at Nintendo, because it's newer than Mario and more can be used, because more Pokémon games and protagonists are Pikachu and other things about Markenig, it can bring more people to Nintendo. On the other hand, just Having Mario is a good memory from a video game. It marks the childhood of many people. Nintendo doesn't want to rule it out by adding it to other games, like Super smash bro

  2. A)I think that pokemon is a good game since you have to reach the goal of getting the best pokemon that is Mewtwo

    B)The owner should be nintendo since nintendo had previously released a game of pokemon and then the company Game Freak copied the game and made it more advanced

  3. 1. I think that pokemon are great because they have unique abilities and appearance, and my favorite pokemon the charmander because of his fire ability and cuteness

    2. I think it would be better Mario because everyone knows Nintendo because of that plumber and his brother, and also Pikachu is better known for his series known as "Pokemon" so I think it would be better if Mario is the face of Nintendo "It's me , Mario"


  4. a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments

    As it says in the reading, it has improved a lot in the user experience and also in the way of the scenes and characters of the game, which makes it more striking

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?
    I consider that Mario because he has been in the company for longer, which makes it one of the oldest games and the beginnings of Nintendo can be seen

  5. Juan Sánchez S.

    A) What I think of Pokemon is that it is a great game because we can download it easily and free because it can accommodate any type of cell phone you have and also the series that has is very attractive and I quite like the design that you have to the animations.

    B) I think it would be mario since the video game came out before pokemon came out so I would think mario would be the nintendo representative.

  6. Zarith Villa
    A) I don´t like pokemon and I think pokemon today is overrated because is only famous for what people talking about

    B) I think that Mario should be the representative of Nintendo because he is more famous than pikachu, and it is a very interesting Nintendo game

  7. Paula Carvajal

    A)I believe that Pokémon is currently something that has taken on a lot of importance, since it is not just a game, also, several movies and series derive from it. In addition, thanks to the Nintendo and Niantic team, this set of elements has been adapted to each of the people taking into account various situations, this positions it in a better place, since it shows us that with hard work, the vast majority of people can access Pokémon from their comforts and enjoy many new updates that provide a better experience.

    B)Although Pokémon has taken on a lot of importance over time, I think Mario must be the representative of Nintendo, since it was one of his first projects, which means that he has won the hearts of many people throughout the world since a long time ago. It is a game that everyone knows, it has had several updates over the years that give people better experiences with the game, but still it has always had the same goal. Also with this, many editions such as Mario Cars have been presented, which is one of the best known.

    I think Mario must be the representation of nitendo for the time it has had, its duration and the good experience that it has given many people throughout the world.

  8. 1. I think that pokemon is a very interactive game, apart from the fact that it can be played on several devices, I like that it has different versions since they can be for the taste of each person and in conclusion I think that it is a very cool game and too fun for the present (pandemic) as many people have been distracted playing this.

    2. I think that the representative of Nintendo should be Mario Bros because this Mario Bross video game was released before pokemon and I think that Mario Bros is a game that many people know, apart from it has 165 games about Mario, and it works for Switch, Android, iPhone , Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, NDS, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64.

    Sara Acosta-01-8A

  9. Mariana Sánchez Parra
    I think that Pokemon is a good game since you can choose several characters, entertain yourself, distract yourself and more, although I have never played it, I also think that it is somewhat overrated since many people prefer this game than others so they have taken many versions of this game, they have even taken it that this game is reality. But even so, it is still a very popular game among gamers and people who play it.

    I think Mario is also a good game, since you can spend time playing and trying to save the princess and survive in different maps, this one I could play, but like pokemon I think this is even more overrated , because it is full of shortcuts, bugs and glitches so easy to do, but still remains in the top of the best Nintendo games. Another thing that draws the attention of those who know and play the game is that it is very old, since it was created in 1983, and its evolution has been surprising for all of us.

    B) I would think that the best representative of Nintendo would be Mario, since it is the oldest game and it seems to me that it would attract more attention for its history, its forms of play, its characters that are also popular on the internet lately, also because Maybe the Mario character will evolve more and more until he achieves a good quality and very interesting character.


  10. Martin Martinez Useche

    A) Today pokemos is one of the largest franchises of video games / series / movies and being one of the branches that generates more money for Nintendo daily

    B)As I said before, pokemon is one of the franchises that generates the most money for Nintendo, it is not the most famous but the one that can best represent the brand since the number of people who are fans of Mario is 70% boomers and we have to think What pokemon is the other way around and that's what it rewards since children are the future

  11. Alejandra Romero

    A) I don´t like pokemon and I think pokemon today is overrated because famous for the show tv and if you didn´t see that show you can´t say that is your favorite, and is fameuse for the game that they make and for people that talk about the game or the show tv.

    B)I think that Mario can be the representative of Nintendo because In my perspective Mario is more famos that Pokemon, the game of Mario is sow interesting because have diferent levels than pokemon because on that game you need to walk on the city whit your phone and you can lost the phone .

  12. A) I believe that pokemon today is overvalued because it has taken so much importance and has generated so much prominence for so many years thanks to the interesting role it plays in the video game, movies and series that have come out regarding pokemon which positions it in a better place and of greater interest and this produces that the markets that commercialize it can charge for it much more than what would be its real or fair value.

    B) I don't like pokemon and I hate Mario, but I love Kirby, so I think Kirby should be the representative of Nintendo because kirby is a pink spherical creature, his main ability is to absorb objects and enemies to throw them in the form of stars and he is able to expand his body with air to fly over the scenery, it presents a friendly and innocent aspect and its games have been designed with the objective that any person can complete them without experience, it is also a very friendly and innocent looking creature so it attracts much more attention and we can identify better with this creature.

    A)I think that Pokémon is a game with many visits and players, therefore it earns a lot of money and also makes Nintendo earn because it is a franchise that has but I do not think it is a game so much fun, I think it is not much fun just catch a Pokémon and supposedly make them fight, the good thing I see this game is that it has a high graphics and looks very realistic
    B)the representative of Nintendo should be Mario is a game that has been around for many years and has never lost its fame or its players, it is a game that encourages people to be distracted, Mario has always been on the covers of Nintendo and is what makes people buy Nintendo, that will always be the best game that will never forget.

  14. Gabriela Castillo-8A

    a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today
    RTA: Pokemon is a video game which I find quite interesting and although I don't like it because I don't identify myself with that kind of video game I know it quite well because of the importance and prominence it has been given in the last years, because if I go walking I find many stores with a variety of Pokémon, there are from toys, stuffed animals, clothes, bowls, school supplies among other infinite objects about this video game and this makes it quite popular.

    A) I believe that pokemon today is overvalued because it has taken so much importance and has generated so much prominence for so many years thanks to the interesting role it plays in the video game, movies and series that have come out regarding pokemon which positions it in a better place and of greater interest and this produces that the markets that commercialize it can charge for it much more than what would be its real or fair value.

    B) I don't like pokemon and I hate Mario, but I love Kirby, so I think Kirby should be the representative of Nintendo because kirby is a pink spherical creature, his main ability is to absorb objects and enemies to throw them in the form of stars and he is able to expand his body with air to fly over the scenery, it presents a friendly and innocent aspect and its games have been designed with the objective that any person can complete them without experience, it is also a very friendly and innocent looking creature so it attracts much more attention and we can identify better with this creature.

  15. A) I think that pokemon is a good serie with many important and funny facts, interesting characters, places, also in general have interesting places, characters, story that do a nice serie.

    B) Mario because is the ancient game with much aspects that have a good game also that do to konw the nintendo company.

  16. Laura Molina
    A) Ok, pokemon, I think he is a very good character that is present in good games, he is also famous for being the protagonist of good movies and series that he has, but in my opinion he is not very good, but around the world to some people like it. both this character and he is good because he produces a lot of money for companies like Nintendo etc ...

    B) I don't like Pokémon, so I think Mario is better, but I think Blaze the cat should be the representative of Nintendo because when I play I always choose this character and not to mention his great abilities in the game. He may be a little recognized character, but certainly a very good one. But if we talk about the most representative, it is Mario because obviously Mario is the most classic character and I think he has so many games like Mario Cars that make this character one of the most recognized and famous in the world.

  17. Sofia Hernandez

    a) Today's pokémon seem great to me since their way of appearing, their different forms are very striking and extraordinary, it inspires us to recreate in life investigating the environment as they do.

    b) Being able to choose between Mario and Picachu is difficult, since Mario has been an inspiration to adults and young people, but Picachu has also been of great interest to young people and children, but in my opinion who should direct the Nintendo would be Picachu and the Pokemons, since this is something that draws more attention to children and young people leaving Mario for adults, I choose Pokemon

  18. Ana María Rubio Ramírez

    A. I think that Pokemon nowadays has had a great advance and what I think is the most beautiful is the fact that all people can have access to this game, since I can see that it is a game for people of any kind of resources.

    B. I think that the representative of Nintendo should be Mario since it is a classic, it calls more attention to adults since it was the game of those times and it is much more fun from my point of view.

  19. Sofia Cárdenas.


    It is a very entertaining game, that as the story has been evolving and adding more things to it. It has many entertaining things and a good theme.


    Although the two games are too famous and good, I think that picachu should be the representative. Mario, although it is a good game and it was famous in its time, it is no longer so entertaining and it is the same, instead in picachu there are different things and it can be more entertaining.

  20. Elizabeth Rodriguez
    A) I think Pokémon is a great project that includes games, movies, etc. I personally love all the creatures they show us and their abilities. I have never been interested in some of their games, but I think they are good for entertaining.

    B) The representative of Nintendo should be Mario because this was created in advance and his games are recognized at a higher level. I say that this one will win since the customs are maintained.

  21. Daniel Castañeda

    A) I think that pokemon today is worst that before because they aggregate too much pokemons and only the people remember the originals like Pikachu,Charmander,etc

    B) I think that Mario because Mario is known worldwide as a nintendo logo, since everyone has played some of his games or at least they have heard it unlike Pokemon and Picachu

  22. Danna Sofía Ángel Valbuena
    A) Pokémon is a series of movies and entertainment, with a lot of imagination of the creators, since as many as more than 5 series and in its game with more than 8 generations of Pokémon to capture, it is an alternate reality game that allows players to go out and interact with different pokestands and people something that common games don't have.

    B) Mario has always remained in the ranking of one of the best games in history, since it has had a long list of games that have been created for almost 35 years, it is a classic game that many enjoyed in childhood, while Pokémon It has not evolved much since its inception, in fact to this day they continue to create Pokémon series, something that becomes monotonous and boring.

  23. Pokemon:
    I think that Pokemon is a good game since you can choose several characters, entertain yourself, distract yourself and more, although , they have even taken it that this game is reality. But even so, it is still a very popular game among gamers and people who play it.

    I think Mario is also a good game, since you can spend time playing and trying to save the princess and survive in different maps, this one I could play, but like pokemon I think this is even more overrated , and its evolution has been surprising for all of us.

    B) I would think that the best representative of Nintendo would be Mario, , its forms of play, its characters that are also popular on the internet lately, also because Maybe the Mario character will evolve more and more until he achieves a good and very interesting character.

    Samuel bernal

  24. a)what I think of pokemon, it is a program that looks for very powerful animals to later train them and do different tournaments.

    b)I think it could be picachu, because it is a very cute animal and its character could be used in different games and have fun, and also, because the nintendo company must meet other characters to make a competition to make the new mascot, and picachu for me it would be a good nintendo mascot

    name: santiago moreno

  25. a)honestly pokemon is being very exploited causing many of the people who liked pokemon to stop liking it making it their less famous series regarding pakemos go has stopped playing by many people and uqe people to get the best pokemos were layers of going in the helicopter or entering someone else's space or killing themselves for not having the poker they want
    b)I am not a great lover of pokemon but I think they should remove it from nintendo because of the damage they have done with their game, I would say that luigi should be on the cover with his brother mario since they are the oldest characters in all nintendo you could say and that they put the game of the dog and the ducks since it was removed without any reason

  26. a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today.
    I think Pokemon have been changed a lot, mainly because of their updates in many topics, I think is very influential nowadays, because everyone knows Pokemon even if they don´t like, but I think it has been recognized because of the anime than the app or game itself, I think because of the popularity of Pokemon they are losing a little bit of their essence but that is not bad at all, thanks to their popularity they have achieved so many things that are very good for players and fans.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    I think Mario, because is a game that was created before Pokemon, and because Pokemon is not mainly recognized in Nintendo because their game is also in Android, and like I said before they are mainly recognized because of the anime, and Mario is like will never be forgotten, and more people like it, I think everyone knows Pokemon, but more people rather Mario than Pokemon.

    Stefany Monje 8C

  27. Laura Camila Guzman Arias

    A) I think that Pokemon it's dosen't work for me I don't like Pokemon never in my life I played this game

    B) I don't know I never met the owner of the game

  28. Zarek Leonardo Martínez Sánchez 19 8C
    a) Although pokemon don't have the popularity of a years ago, continue be a very big industrie with influence in the world of the animation, series,gaming, etc. and continue grow. In my opinion Pokemon is one of the most emblematics things of Nintendo,i remember see some seasons of the serie and now, is amazing see how After of more than 10 years continue with ideas for the designs of this creatures, and more people in all parts of the world continue love pokemon, and i know that a lot of kids in the future.

    b) I think that both have an influence diferent in two aspects, Mario don't have recognized series or adaptations in the TV but have more games and in this part is very popular, and technilly is the simbol of Nintendo.
    Also Pikachu, is more beautifull, this give more oportunities of make objetct with he's design, have a lot of movies, series, and products, and games that Although not are same of Mario's games have popularity, for this reasons i think that Pikachu win.

  29. A)I think that pokemon today is worst that before because they aggregate too much pokemons and only the people remember the originals like Pikachu,Charmander

    B)Mario is a game that has been around for many years and has never lost its fame or its players, it is a game that encourages people to be distracted, Mario has always been on the covers of Nintendo and is what makes people buy Nintendo,


  30. Isabela Aponte Ballén:

    A) I think that Pokémon of today is a game that evolved or changed to show new and different things to the public, Nintendo has gained fame for the number of people who have played Pokémon and have liked or loved it for its various missions or fights.

    B) I think that the representative of Nintendo is Mario because it is the most known and popular game that they have among people, it is also very fun because of the various games they have and the changes they have made to adapt to the tastes of people and it is easy to play.

  31. a)what I understood about pokemon today, it is a good game, because we can discover different strange things, and find different pokemon and capture them.
    b)I think it could be picachu, because it is a very cute animal and its character could be used in different games and have fun, and also, because the nintendo company must meet other characters to make a competition to make the new mascot, and picachu for me it would be a good nintendo mascot.

    name: santiago moreno
    grade: 8c

  32. Juan Castellanos
    A)I think that pokemon is too funny a game and series since the game is very well developed and has a good story just like the series that there are many stories and many characters.
    B)I think it should be Mario since Mario is one of the first characters to come out of the attempt and one of the most important, therefore he should be the representative.

  33. Samuel León Malaver 8C
    A) -Talking about pokemon in a general way I could say that pokemon is a great brand and business that along the years they have had an amazing marketing strategy. Besides that they have done everything, videogames, movies, series, toys, songs, trends, etc. I think that in the last years they have lose a little bit of relevance and fame but slowly as they have always done, they are doing more and more to stay in the popular culture creating more and more products of their brand, that's why for me Pokemon it is a great company, it has been creating quality things for decades. talking about Pokemon go, it was a good game and was a success in the whole world in 2016 but in nowadays the game is a little bit forgotten by all. Pokemon Go keeps updating and it is still a very good game, but it was just a fad, its time of fame is over.

    B)the person who should be the representative of nintendo is... Luigi. Luigi is the best character that nintendo have created in all its history and is most most underrated too. the reasons for luigi to be the nintendo representative are: -Luigi is taller, I mean, he's better -Luigi is green, everyone loves green. -Luigi is always ignored, now is his time to be the protagonist -Luigi is always second, he deserves to win -He is cute. and that why Luigi should be the representative of nintendo, no Mario, no Pikachu


      I dont considerete that luigi is the best because luigi is the shadow of mario because Mario is presented first but luigi more years later apparit

  34. A) Regarding the new updates are very entertaining for those who like this world of pokemon as there are more ways to entertain nowadays this kind of things like nintendo are very popular producing a great profit although for a long time pokemon has been the most popular can get to say that it is overrated for all the effort they are putting but if those who enjoy this have good options to not get bored with your favorite character.

    B) although mario and pokemon are the most important at the moment i think mario should be the one representing nintendo because he is not being given the same fame as pokemon plus mario has been around longer so there is more experience or a way to be much better updates on this one.

  35. Alejandra Florez 8B
    a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today

    I think that Pokemon has been a great company trought the years but many companies had think that they could change the position of Pokemon but it is not okay, because Pokemon had strived for a big company and other sub-company of Nintendo Change the Pokemon's position is unjust

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    I think is more representative Mario Bros because it was one of the first games that Nintendo had selled, but throught the years mario has been losing popularity but it represents more nintendo than pokemon

  36. Juana Espinosa 8B
    a) I haven't played this game but thanks to the reading I was able to see the great improvements that the producers have made to the game; they made the game way more interactive and it promotes to go outside and to spend time with other people and to see their enviroment; they also adapted the game to be in real live weather conditions.
    b) Even thought Mario and pokemon are very important in the nintendo industry Mario should still be the companies logo because its a very old game that almost everyone knows about it, and because it is very important in the industry.

    A) Is very funny the game because is to a adventure open I like it the more generation in pokemon the 8 generation that a like the the empress of pokemon remasteriset games of pokemons old is very importand thi for me because the games old is very nostolgic.
    B) Mario because but pokemon is very good mario is the pet of nintendo the game is exploted more of nintendo because havo more games in community of cars of battles and for this I considerete that mario is the nuber one and the representative of nintendo

  38. Juan Esteban Castro

    A) Pokemon is a good franchise of videogames and series on the TV, also the games that pokemos have are too funnys, but when Pokemon GO was famouse a lot of bad things ocurred in all the world. I never play games of pokemon but is a good game.

    B) I think that Picachu have to be the representative of Nintendo, because Pokemon have good series on the TV and good games but Mario have good games but don't have good series on the TV, also i say that Picachu because i like more Picachu than Mario.


  39. a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today.
    R= I think that is one of the most popular franchises in movies, series and videogames, many kids on the world grew up playing the videogames or watching the serie, There is no doubt that the franchise has been squeezed to get merchandise, and gain publicity to such an extent that several of its movies and video games have not been well received, In spite of everything, thanks to the good times we spent watching the series, playing video games or with pokemon toys, many of us will remember the franchise much esteem and nostalgia

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why? R= Mario, because he and his saga of videogames are the ones who promoted the Nintendo company, It is also the best known to people.

  40. Laura Sofia Rincon 8D

    A) I think that pokemon has been a very famous game over the years since different series, movies, toys, comics among many more have come out of this great project so personally I think that Pokémon is a very complete company and that even great projects are expected good triumphs

    B) although pokemon has good exicotos and great proposals I consider that Mario should be the mascot or official representative of Nintendo since being one of his first inventions he deserves that recognition also because he has brought great successes for the company making him win the heart of many children, youth and adults who are fanatical of this.

    Thank you


    a) What I think about pokemon is that it is very famous nowadays, it seems very cute, it is loved by young and old children, pokemon has been the protagonist of many series, movies, even games, pokemon is one of the games Most played in the world, it gives Nintendo a lot of money.

    b) For me the best is mario since he is the memory of many in our childhood and carries much more than pokemon, but if I chose between Mario and pokemon to represent Nintendo it would be pokemon since at the moment pokemon has more fame and is the favorite of many so it gives more money and all that

  42. a.Pokemon has its series and its video games but over the years pokemon lost interest in people as the series lost interest and the games for me very few are good.

    b.For me it would be Mario since he has more time with Nintendo and currently what has to do with nibntendo will appear on the cover something related to Mario.

  43. Erick Santiago Ortiz 8D

    1.pokemon today is very different, there are so many things that were added to it and I think that is terrible because they put many things in it that were not in the original, and i think that pokemon nintendo games seem boring to me and it is nothing similar how was the series

    2.I prefer mario because it is more funny and also that he has been with the nintendo company for more years, although I prefer the old games of mario, the games from now are a bit bad butthe nintendo mascot is mario because he is older and much best

    Thank you for your attention

  44. Laura Vargas 8D
    1. Answer the following questions as a comment below before going back and continuing with the pokeroad.

    a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments

    Currently I consider that it is a game that has had quite a few good advances, what I like the most is that it has not stopped with the passage of time; It seems to me that it has made very important advances such as having more characters and having better things as they could say what are the powers that they attribute to this game being for all ages since all generations have advanced and also all of them they enjoy it together

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    Well, I managed to see that Nintendo was the first and the second Picachu, I have managed to understand that the first is not the one that wins, since Picachu has reached a high level of popularity so to speak, generating better results in the rating of everything that It has happened through all this time.
    For this reason, I consider that the one who should be the representative is Picachu since he has a very high level of popularization and also have many more advances and help the other two

  45. wendy gomez 8B

    a)Pokémon, although I have not played it due to the great popularity of this game, it has managed to expand to the level of being represented in cartoon series and movies.
    In my personal opinion, Pokémon has been one of the most complete games and has managed to cause more fun or attract children to use it.

    b)In my opinion Mario is better than Pokemon in different aspects, Mario I suppose I am part of the children of several people, but if they gave me to choose which one would best represent them, it would be pokemon, for what reason, because it is a game that has more popularity at the moment it is the most used and recognized.

  46. Ana M. Melo
    a) I consider that the actualizations are good, and maybe be can play it in the house or out, well, I played the game some years ago, but nowadays I don't play it, so I can't say exactly if I like the actualizations, thought with the read I consider thata is a good form to entertain the users, apart isn't only catch the pokenmons, also is care them, and combine the gens, to progress your pokemon, so for this I love play Pokemon again

    b) I guess that the representativepet, would be Pikachu, because is cute, and draw the teens, also I will that is well known around the world, also is very influyent in the internet.

  47. Alejandra Calderon 8B
    a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today.
    I would say that the changes are positive like those sent with the Alola versions, but also better animations for each of the Pokémon already created to date, better scenarios, better puzzles, better combats.
    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Pikachu or Mario? Why?
    Mario, since this character is part of one of the classic video games in the history of arcade machines and for this reason he is one of the characters that creates nostalgia, for the simple fact of having grown up playing Mario games.

  48. Hello teacher David.

    Answer the following questions as a comment below before you go back and continue the pokeroad:

    A). Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today.

    - It is a very important and representative game of the Nintendo industry, what I like about it is that despite the passing of the years it never goes out of style, otherwise, with the new versions it attracts more fans and makes it more attractive and innovative. I also really like its characters and the game's methodology, which makes it suitable for all ages ...

    B). Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario.

    - Well ... It's a complicated decision since I like them both, they have their success, their fans and like anything else, they have their good and bad sides. For that reason, the truth is, I think that with either of the two it would be good to represent the Nintendo industry.

    Thanks for you attention!!.

    Juliana Delgado Roa 8B - 14.

  49. Juan Méndez 8C:

    a) I think that nowdays Pokémon it's not as important as it was a long time ago, a lot of people remember pokemon from the first serie and his games, but the new series are different and a little boring

    b) Mario because Mario is one of the best games ever and is very popular in the society

  50. a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today
    Pokemon has been a very inmportant thing that for us is a habitual thing and is part of our childhood. I think that is good that one thig of our childhood have new thigs and now are bigger than before.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?
    The most representative thig in Nitendo today is Mario beacuase is the face of the company and every time that somebody mentions Mario we think about Nintendo but Pokemon and anothers games are very important to this company.

  51. Ana Aponte 8D
    a- In my opinion, Pokemon is an interesting character because its physical appearance is not common and neither is its personality. I would like more video games to be created with this character.

    b- Mario, because I consider him to be the character that best represents Nintendo since his video games are striking and different from the others. Also because he is a character that most of us know.

    Thank you.

  52. Kler Monroy Salamanca 8B
    a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today:
    I think that Pokemon is a normal gameplay that for me it's not that important, because I think that in the actuality many people no longer plat it for many reasons such as, if you go to a location that the app told you they will kidnap you or things like that, due to those rumors the game lost many users, but despite the rumors that people create, Pokemos Go continues and will continue to be a relevant game in the movile video game industry for its incredible dynamics and creativity.

    b)Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Pikachu or Mario? Why?
    I said that this question is impossible to answer, but I think that the representative of Nintendo it should be Pokemon, because every year Pokemon is getting new incredible updates of their games such as the mood of some pokemon or that its greater power depends on the weather or things like that, so I think it is more logical that Pokemon is the image of Nintendo.

  53. Yaxiel Moreno Parra:
    a) Tell us that we use it in the comments what you think of Pokémon today.
    I think Pokemon is not an anime recognized at this time, the anime has a lot of potential, but only in its first stations, now it is recognized by being part of one of the best games of the century.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?
    I think Mario, yes, I know, Picachu is more famous (I think) and I have more "visits", but Mario is like the first game Nintendo put on sale, for being the most famous (the first is actually "EVR Race" ), and Mario (I'm just writing my thoughts in this phrase!) It is superior to picachu in a lot of view, for example, the design, for that time, to be like that pixeled, had a very good design. (I repeat: It's my opinion)

    Thank u for your time and attention :3

    Yaxiel ╰(*°▽°*)╯

  54. a.)I think that pokemon is a very popular and creative game because of the amount of pokemons and the popularity of pikachu, it seems to me a very fun game

    b.)it seems to me that both represent pokemon very well since pokemon is recognized by mario and pikachu

  55. a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today.
    I think it is a good game, which depending on the time and the situations that the world is going through, they are adapting, making their game envolve to the situations; without losing the opportunity of new users, and that they can expand to different cultures with their innovation in videogames.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?
    I think Mario should be the representative of Nintendo, since I think more people had the opportunity to play one of his videogames, and therefore, if we take all the ages of the population, more people know Mario than Picachu. (I don't know much about it, but from what I've heard and know, it must be so).

    Isabella Corzo Vargas 8°C

  56. Sarah Espitia

    a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments.

    - I think pokemon is a great game that over time has had great success that has allowed it to grow globally and in general, to the point of having a movie about one of its pokémon. I also think that it is a game that is very well developed, which has made it well known.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    - Pokémon in general and Mario, are fantastic games and too good, so I am not going for either of them since both have why I would choose them. Pokemon on the one hand is a fairly recognized game as I said above, which can generate great recognition to Nintendo for being the representative. Mario is an old game, very good and quite recognized, which can allow that in addition to pokemon, it gives great recognition to Nintendo for being a representative. So I don't really go for either of the 2 as they would give very good results.

  57. Juan Diego guzman
    A. Creo que pokemon ha sido un juego muy famoso durante muchos años, porque este gran proyecto ha producido muchas series, películas, juguetes, cómics, etc., por lo que personalmente creo que Pokémon es una empresa muy completa, y la gente incluso espera que lo hagan. ser genial Buenos resultados en el proyecto

    B. Although Mario and Pokémon are very important in the Nintendo industry, Mario should keep the company logo because it is a very old game that almost everyone knows and because it is very important in the industry.

  58. A) I think that pokemon is a great because this is so famous and have so much marketing and has games, movies, series and others, that i know and i saw of pokemon not is bad but i don't like so much because not is my style and my last opinion is that pokemon is internacional and is old but that still are recognized.

    B)In my opinion i prefer mario for my is so much funnier and i like more than pikachu but if we are talking about to represent nintendo i think that is so complicated because the people somentimes prefer mario or pikachu but i think that mario wins because is more old than pikachu and is most recognized.

    Mariana Angulo 8C

  59. a)I think Pokémon is a great game and a great representative of nintendo.

    b)Mario because it's a classic, I like to play it. :)

    Thomas Rivero

  60. Mariana Sánchez

    A)I think it is an interesting and cute doll.

    B)Mario, because she is a very recognized character and her games are very interesting and fun, that's why I think he is the best to represent the Nintendo.


  61. A)I think I never liked pokemon and it is not because it is a bad game but I think I am not in that range of tastes

    B) I don't know, I never met the owner of the game.

  62. A) Actually, its creators and those who are in charge of its app have done a pretty good job, they have known how to defend themselves from current conditions, they have innovated and captivated people, I honestly I don't like Pokémon but I can't deny that in at moment atractive me the game, I downloaded it, but it was difficult for me to play it, now there is a new function to play at home, even so I am no longer interested. There is only one problem, not currently, but if I read a lot that before people even got into properties where some Pokemon were, there were quite a few problems like this. It is already controlled. Even so, I consider it important to mention it. You have to keep in mind Note that it is not the fault of the creators, if not the unconscious and obsessed people of this game.

    B) Mario, is a character that I love, and someone who I admire and adore with my soul has the same name. He has accompanied me since I was a child. I played a lot. Also, I am not interested in Pokémon, if I have always had great affection for him, in addition to traditional games.

    Gabriela Tarazona 8C

  63. Hello classmates and teacher David

    a) Tell use in the comments what you think about Pokémon today

    I have never played video games, nor have I played Pokémon but I have seen that it is a game that has been very popular for a long time, also there is a great effort to create and continue improving this game so that their fans can enjoy playing Pokémon much more, I can not say much since I have no clear knowledge of this.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    I feel that the game that should represent Nintendo is Mario, I think this because this has been a game that has been around longer, many more people know it and unlike Pokémon this game if I have played it several times and it never fails to be entertaining, Mario is an icon.

    Thank you for your attention
    Paula Carvajal 8C - 08

  64. Dilcy Rodriguez
    1.Pokémon is a very innovative and creative game, I am not very fond of pokemon games or movies, but I have been able to play pokemon go and it seems to me very innovative since it allows me to have fun in open spaces, also pokemon has proven to cause a impact among lovers of vidioguegos as it causes them entertainment and fun, and I congratulate the creators of the game as they are very talented for creating something that more than one will remember as part of their childhood.
    2.I think neither of them, both are capable and very innovative and creative since both are very classic games remembered by many people in their childhood, that is the essence of Nintendo, the essence of creating something, of having fun regardless of the rivalry that is among them. mario and pokemos since they both deserve to be winners for all the work and effort they have put into every detail of those games.

  65. Danna Aristizabal 8B
    a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments

    A) I had heard of Pokémon but in reality I have not had the opportunity to play it since those are not the types of games that I like, I only saw the movie and it seemed entertaining, with what I just read and investigated it is seen that it is an interesting game that attracts a large audience and that advances over the years with its different types of monsters that are very adorable but knowing more about this game motivates me to play and give it a try.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    B) I think that the representative of Nintendo should be Mario since it is an old but very popular game, which has won over the years and I think that at this moment Pokémon may be more updated, but it does not have the same popularity or history as Mario with people and it is a well known game and it is also interactive.

  66. Jhon Montes
    a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments

    Hello teacher, my opinion of pokemon is that it is a representative game of nintendo but it has already remained in the past and not many people play the games and what I made to return to the market and be attractive to people was the pokemon go but after a year was forgotten more and more

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    For me the pet and the first thing that comes to mind when they say nintedo is mario since it is a title that marks all people since it is a classic and also that it has different game modes which makes it more fun and Besides, it is the childhood of any gamer

  67. Salome Campos - 8B

    A) I think pokemon is a very interesting game, since it leaves behind the typical barriers of video games, which is to be sitting on a sofa all the time, without taking your eyes off the screen. This game motivates us to go out and see new places. I also find it very innovative as it is constantly updated thinking about the players and the changes in society.

    B) I think Mario is the character that most represents Nintendo, because I consider that we have all played a game of this character at some point in our lives, in addition to being recognized worldwide. He is also better known to older people than Pikachu, for example, if we tell an adult that he will immediately say Mario, as it brings back memories of childhood.

  68. Isabella Chacón Ontibón - 8°D

    a) The truth is, I have never played pokemon, I didn't know much about it, but I think everything that can be done in the game and what it is based on is very interesting. I think it is a very original and creative game.

    b) Although pokemon is an interesting and original game, I like Mario more, because I know him a little more and his subject calls my attention much more.

  69. Laura villamil
    A. I think Pokémon is not yet recognized as an anime. The anime has a lot of potential, but only in the first season, it is now recognized as one of the best games of the century.
    B. I thought about this before and came to the conclusion that Mario is more popular than Pikachu, so he must be the representative of Nintendo. In my opinion, Mario is the idol of most people. I am not an expert in this area, but I believe.

  70. a) Say what you think about Pokémon today in the comments

    I do not know very well about his story and neither about his games, but I know that has been a very entertaining story for his viewers and his games have been something that has given him more fame since they are entertaining and interactive for his fans.

    b) Who do you think should be the representative of Nintendo, Picachu or Mario? Why?

    Who should represent nintendo is Mario because he has been a character that has been encouraged play on nintendo devices, also this has been his greatest iconic character for his high quality games, additionally this character has been more years than Picauchu so they know more about Mario.

    Majo Hernández Muñoz 8C

  71. A) I think it was a game that at the time had millions of downloads, and currently there are still a slight number of people who play it, since it is a game in my opinion quite entertaining.

    B) I think it should be Mario because even though I like Pikachu a lot, Mario is more legendary and in my opinion more recognized and to this day he is still quite played and recognized worldwide.


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